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한겹의 패브릭과 두겸의 망사 쉬어로 직조된 3중 구조
입체적인 구조로 방음과 에너지 절약에 도움이 되며
날개 각도에 따라 채광과 통풍 조절이 가능하며, 자외선 차단이 가능한 기능성 원단입니다.

ECOLUX is the name of WINDOWSTORY’s 3D Shade collections.
Multi-layered Ecolux fabric is comprised of two layers of sheer woven together with one layer of fabric; this unique structure offers among others excellent sound absorption, energy efficiency, and UV protection properties.
Easy operation of a single looped control cord enables up/down movement, light control, exterior view and privacy protection.
WINTEC’s 3D Shades are available in over 30 designs, and over 50 colors which offer a versatile solution to any interior décor requirements.